Thursday, 27 November 2014

Opening 2 minutes of Film

Opening 2 minutes

Right in the beginning, the music starts (Metallica – Enter Sandman). It fades in to ‘Danny’, the protagonist, playing this song on his guitar in his room. There is several shots of him playing, his feet moving to the beat and different angles of the guitar. The camera tracks his wall which shows plenty photos of his idols and some family portraits with his dad cut out of them. This is a visual code for the audience to let them know he doesn’t have a father anymore. While playing his guitar he writes music/lyrics and the title sequence will begin (he writes down the names of who I will mention in the title credits). There is a piece of paper behind the paper he is writing on which shows a letter from the University, telling the audience that this character wants to go there and has a key role in the story. During this scene it will cut to the different shots, for example, there will be a shot of him tapping his feet for a few seconds, then the camera tracking the wall for a few seconds, and then cutting to an shot of his hand when he plays, then back to the wall, etc. He continues to play guitar and gets angry because he cannot think of anything to write down so he throws his pen down furiously. The song that he plays continues in the background as he gets up and looks at the photos of his idols. An eye line match will be used of him looking at his wall, and then a shot of the photos in which he is looking at. He grabs his backpack and walks out of his room and puts his backpack on, and the music stops suddenly in this movement, to signify that he is on his way to something important. It ends with him walking out of the house, and the only sound this audience hears will be diegetic sound of the movements he makes. This will make the audience want to know what is going to happen next.

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