Wednesday, 28 January 2015


To convey the protagonist’s characteristics I used mise-en-scene. I chose his own room as it had darker colours, which is more stereotypical for somebody who is into rock and metal music. I moved both of my guitars and my amp into his room to show that he plays guitar and to add further to the fact he liked rock music. I printed off loads of posters of bands the character likes and stuck them messy onto his wall, showing what music he is into and also he is passionate about it and has idols that he looks up to. I added an AC/DC vinyl next to the amp as another small detail of the music he likes, also adding to the rock atmosphere of his room.
In the close-up shot when he writes down the titles of the film, there is a letter from ‘Rockstone University’ in the background behind the paper. I came up with this name, as I wanted it to be clear it was a music university and I thought ‘Rockstone’ is a strong name for a university. To make the logo for the letter, I sketched some ideas down and then used Photoshop to create it. I then wrote the letter and showed that his name was Danny by saying “Dear Danny Cane”, a visual code for the audience to add to his character. I also put this letter in amongst the posters on his wall so that when the camera panned the wall, it would show this letter again.

His clothing was all black, and he wore a Motorhead t-shirt, again adding to the music he is into. He also wore converse to show that he is a casual person. 
The clock in the background when he is writing something and when the camera tilts up his wall, is purposely put on at 11pm, and then a fade out and fade in is used, to show he has been playing guitar all night. It was important to change the clock time to quite late at night to show that he doesn't sleep much, and is not extremely responsible. 
His bed was made to be very messy, representing the music he listens to as it can be seen as messy and loud itself.

Sunday, 25 January 2015

Typical Viewer/Audience Member


This is my ideal viewer/audience member.
Gender: Male

Age: 17
Occupation: College student, studying music
Hobbies: Plays guitar, listens to a lot of rock music
He wears checked shirts, jeans, band t-shirts and converse.

My typical audience would be aged between 15-20, as the ceriticate for my film is 15, and the protagonist is 18 years old, therefore this age would relate the most to him. The percentage of male/females who are the target audience is:
Male: 55%

Female: 45%
This is mainly because the protagonist is male and so is the other main character that helps the protagonist through his journey, so males may relate more to the narrative. However, the protagonist is conventionally good-looking which would appeal to the female audience.
The typical viewer would be in college or university, studying a subject like music who wants to have a career in Rock music, but wants to rebel because of the type of music they listen to. They would like bands such as: Metallica, AC/DC, Guns n' Roses, Slipknot, Led Zeppelin, Motorhead etc. They would also most likely play an instrument, either drums, guitar or bass, or sing.

Thursday, 22 January 2015


My film would be certificate 15. This is because the narrative includes themes such as alcohol and drugs, but my film would include a lot of swearing, to represent both the protagonist and his helper's anger in the journey they are on. The character is 18 years old, so people around that age would be the target audience of the film anyway, so a certificaste 15 seemed appropriate.

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Changes to Opening 2 Minutes to Film Opening

Opening 2 minutes

At the very beginning, instead of going straight into the film the titles that I will make for the film will appear on the screen before anything has started. Then, the music will start playing (Metallica – Enter Sandman) as it fades in to ‘Danny’, the protagonist, playing this song on his guitar in his room. There is several shots of him playing, his feet moving to the beat and different angles of the guitar. As the audience see him playing, a voice-over will be used where he talks about himself a little more, giving the audience more of an idea of who he is and characteristing him. He will say "Since my father died, music has been my only escape... My passion started when I was 9 and by the time I was 12 I reached grade 8 and could play 'Through the Fire and Flames' note, for note." There will be a long break from when ihe says this to the next thing he says. The camera tracks his wall which shows plenty photos of his idols and this shot is repeated through out the scene. While playing his guitar he writes music/lyrics and the title sequence will begin (he writes down the names of who I will mention in the title credits). There is a piece of paper behind the paper he is writing on which shows a letter from the 'Rockstone University', telling the audience that this character wants to go there and has a key role in the story. During this scene it will cut to the different shots, for example, there will be a shot of him tapping his feet for a few seconds, then the camera tracking the wall for a few seconds, and then cutting to an shot of his hand when he plays, then back to the wall, etc. He continues to play guitar and a tilt shot is used to show him writing something down, and this is when he will say "I could play all night..." with the clock showing the time as 11 at night, and as the camera tilts down again, he slams the pen down when the singer in the song starts singing, acting as a sting sound. A fade out is used in this shot to show that the day is over and then fades in again to show him walking up to his wall (where the posters are), which shows that it is the morning and has been playing all night. The song that he plays continues in the background as he gets up and looks at the photos of his idols. An eye line match will be used of him looking at his wall, and then a shot of the photos in which he is looking at. He grabs his backpack and walks out of his room and puts his backpack on, and walks out of the door. A few match-on-actions will be used for the continuity of the film. It ends with him walking out of the house, and he pauses for a moment, which is when the song stops playing as it plays "We're off to Never Neverland". This will signify that he is about to begin his journey and will make the audience want to know what is going to happen next. In one part of this scene, cross-cutting will be used to show another cahracter, the producer, who 'Danny' meets in the film. This is because it will show a relationship between the two characters and that they will meet at some point during the film to create a conflict or relationship between them, setting up the plot for the audience.

Sunday, 18 January 2015