Sunday, 25 January 2015

Typical Viewer/Audience Member


This is my ideal viewer/audience member.
Gender: Male

Age: 17
Occupation: College student, studying music
Hobbies: Plays guitar, listens to a lot of rock music
He wears checked shirts, jeans, band t-shirts and converse.

My typical audience would be aged between 15-20, as the ceriticate for my film is 15, and the protagonist is 18 years old, therefore this age would relate the most to him. The percentage of male/females who are the target audience is:
Male: 55%

Female: 45%
This is mainly because the protagonist is male and so is the other main character that helps the protagonist through his journey, so males may relate more to the narrative. However, the protagonist is conventionally good-looking which would appeal to the female audience.
The typical viewer would be in college or university, studying a subject like music who wants to have a career in Rock music, but wants to rebel because of the type of music they listen to. They would like bands such as: Metallica, AC/DC, Guns n' Roses, Slipknot, Led Zeppelin, Motorhead etc. They would also most likely play an instrument, either drums, guitar or bass, or sing.

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