Monday, 13 April 2015

Question 4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

I figured out the target audience for my film opening by firstly conducting a questionnaire and analysing the results. The results show that the dominating gender audience is male, with an age of 16-20. The audience would be familiar with drama films and their favourite sub-genre was a melodrama/teen drama. This shows that the target audience would be a teen themselves as they can relate to the teen character in my film, and my film is also a melodrama as it focuses on the character’s emotional journey to his dream. From my questionnaire, the audience liked the music that is included in my film, with Metallica being the most popular; therefore using their music in my film opening would appeal to the target audience.

 Earlier on in my blog, I outlined the typical viewer/audience member. This is the predominant target audience member wrapped up in one individual, so I get an idea of who would be watching my film.

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